1. Advocating and representing the members of the Association in formal communications, meetings, projects, committees and initiatives when collaborating with other organizations and agencies interested in the welfare of people with Autism spectrum disorders in Trinidad and Tobago.
2. Liaising with those in government responsible for the welfare of citizens by making certain that they take up their responsibility so that those on the Autism spectrum are treated equally, fairly, receive the same amount of education and benefits as any other citizen of the nation. Our main vision is to help improve the lives of all affected by Autism by campaigning and championing for proper, free and public educational centers for them (With registered and qualified professionals), proper health services that can allow public and free therapy for children and adults on the spectrum and respite programs for parents and caregivers.
3. Ensuring that it is understood that no individual, group or organization is the sole authority on Autism but that it is a serious development disorder that must be duly addressed by the government of Trinidad & Tobago and not simply shifted to local NGOs and charities as a solution.
4. Creating and administering the development of a comprehensive database with information and parental reviews on qualified therapists, educational institutions, recreational centers, tutors, professional caregivers, and medical practitioners as well as companies that will assist to support individuals on the Autism spectrum and their families in Trinidad and Tobago providing them with life skills opportunities necessary to succeed in life, engagement in positive recreational past times, opportunities for career choices and education. Health related services information and reviews, opportunities for job placement with companies that desire to hire individuals on the autism spectrum and in this way encourage opportunities for development and self-sufficiency without regard to nationality, race, age, gender, creed or social background.
5. Creating and/or participating in motivational talks, writings, videos, newspaper articles, TV/radio interviews, online blogs and forums, championing on the behalf of individuals with Autism, the provision of free access to: Counseling, social gatherings, education, training, employment, welfare, health services thus ensuring that their rights and liberties are respected, protected and enhance their standard of living.
6. Communicating to the membership of the Association the plans for and progress of autistic projects, studies, discoveries, research and practices thus keeping parents apprised with regards to the latest news and information on Autism required to assist individuals on the spectrum as well as planned ventures taking place locally and internationally.
7. To conduct the affairs of the Association in such a way as to enable it to achieve its purposes and objectives in the most efficient manner for its members.
Our Mission - APATT
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